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Territorialize Comprehensive Local Risk Management and Information Systems: Co-building Knowledge in the Field of Environmental Health

Received: 4 January 2021     Accepted: 20 February 2021     Published: 9 March 2021
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At present, the act of thinking appears as idle and is displaced by the instrumental. Comprehensive local risk management (CLRM) and information systems (IS) in the field of environmental health (EH) are analyzed ignoring the actor's conception and the time from which they start. Common practice does not respect the ontological character that we recognize as artisanal and based on movements of social re-association and re-assembly. Because of this it is necessary to catch up with the innovations of the actors, in order to know and learn about the collective existence from their own point of view, without imposing any order, limiting diversity, teaching what they are or adding reflexivity to their practice. The purpose of this article is to challenge CLRM and IS as a technical answer without questions, versus a CLRM and IS as a territory, that is, as a space with questions based on institutions, procedures and concepts capable of bringing together and re-relating the social. For this purpose, we will analyze the science that moves in the dimension of philosophy and recover the passion that represents the question; the territory as a space of the singular and site of acting, where the relational and the symbolic are expressed crossed by capitals and fields that exceed the epistemological simplicity; equity and equality to reduce long-term risk; the moments of the processual logic of an SI in the reference framework: data, information, knowledge, communication for action (DIKCA); cognitive justice; the processes of co-building knowledge essentially constituted by the word and conversations that trigger processes. We affirm that environmental health is a key tool of social practice. It corresponds to all this vast set of practices and knowledge that a society sets in place to know its health and environment, in order to transform it. Therefore, the proposal is to cease understanding CLRM and SI as rational products, and to come to understand them as a human product and, therefore, made by humans who construct language a central feature of their existence. We believe that change is necessary, that new, or not so new problems cannot be solved with outdated ideas. However, acquiring and developing renewed ideas or concepts can create the false illusion that everything is easy, but it is not. The challenge is daunting, as much as the need is inescapable.

Published in Journal of Health and Environmental Research (Volume 7, Issue 1)

This article belongs to the Special Issue Health and the Environment as a Resource for the Reduction of Social Inequalities in Argentina

DOI 10.11648/j.jher.20210701.18
Page(s) 39-48
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Comprehensive Local Risk Management, Information Systems, Territory, Social Re-assembly

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  • APA Style

    Maria del Carmen Rojas, Ana Colombres, Silvina Hidalgo, Oscar Lopez, Daniel Machado, et al. (2021). Territorialize Comprehensive Local Risk Management and Information Systems: Co-building Knowledge in the Field of Environmental Health. Journal of Health and Environmental Research, 7(1), 39-48. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jher.20210701.18

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    ACS Style

    Maria del Carmen Rojas; Ana Colombres; Silvina Hidalgo; Oscar Lopez; Daniel Machado, et al. Territorialize Comprehensive Local Risk Management and Information Systems: Co-building Knowledge in the Field of Environmental Health. J. Health Environ. Res. 2021, 7(1), 39-48. doi: 10.11648/j.jher.20210701.18

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    AMA Style

    Maria del Carmen Rojas, Ana Colombres, Silvina Hidalgo, Oscar Lopez, Daniel Machado, et al. Territorialize Comprehensive Local Risk Management and Information Systems: Co-building Knowledge in the Field of Environmental Health. J Health Environ Res. 2021;7(1):39-48. doi: 10.11648/j.jher.20210701.18

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  • @article{10.11648/j.jher.20210701.18,
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      title = {Territorialize Comprehensive Local Risk Management and Information Systems: Co-building Knowledge in the Field of Environmental Health},
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      abstract = {At present, the act of thinking appears as idle and is displaced by the instrumental. Comprehensive local risk management (CLRM) and information systems (IS) in the field of environmental health (EH) are analyzed ignoring the actor's conception and the time from which they start. Common practice does not respect the ontological character that we recognize as artisanal and based on movements of social re-association and re-assembly. Because of this it is necessary to catch up with the innovations of the actors, in order to know and learn about the collective existence from their own point of view, without imposing any order, limiting diversity, teaching what they are or adding reflexivity to their practice. The purpose of this article is to challenge CLRM and IS as a technical answer without questions, versus a CLRM and IS as a territory, that is, as a space with questions based on institutions, procedures and concepts capable of bringing together and re-relating the social. For this purpose, we will analyze the science that moves in the dimension of philosophy and recover the passion that represents the question; the territory as a space of the singular and site of acting, where the relational and the symbolic are expressed crossed by capitals and fields that exceed the epistemological simplicity; equity and equality to reduce long-term risk; the moments of the processual logic of an SI in the reference framework: data, information, knowledge, communication for action (DIKCA); cognitive justice; the processes of co-building knowledge essentially constituted by the word and conversations that trigger processes. We affirm that environmental health is a key tool of social practice. It corresponds to all this vast set of practices and knowledge that a society sets in place to know its health and environment, in order to transform it. Therefore, the proposal is to cease understanding CLRM and SI as rational products, and to come to understand them as a human product and, therefore, made by humans who construct language a central feature of their existence. We believe that change is necessary, that new, or not so new problems cannot be solved with outdated ideas. However, acquiring and developing renewed ideas or concepts can create the false illusion that everything is easy, but it is not. The challenge is daunting, as much as the need is inescapable.},
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    AU  - Ana Colombres
    AU  - Silvina Hidalgo
    AU  - Oscar Lopez
    AU  - Daniel Machado
    AU  - Viviana Mendoza
    AU  - Patricia Montero
    AU  - Analia Ocampo
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    AB  - At present, the act of thinking appears as idle and is displaced by the instrumental. Comprehensive local risk management (CLRM) and information systems (IS) in the field of environmental health (EH) are analyzed ignoring the actor's conception and the time from which they start. Common practice does not respect the ontological character that we recognize as artisanal and based on movements of social re-association and re-assembly. Because of this it is necessary to catch up with the innovations of the actors, in order to know and learn about the collective existence from their own point of view, without imposing any order, limiting diversity, teaching what they are or adding reflexivity to their practice. The purpose of this article is to challenge CLRM and IS as a technical answer without questions, versus a CLRM and IS as a territory, that is, as a space with questions based on institutions, procedures and concepts capable of bringing together and re-relating the social. For this purpose, we will analyze the science that moves in the dimension of philosophy and recover the passion that represents the question; the territory as a space of the singular and site of acting, where the relational and the symbolic are expressed crossed by capitals and fields that exceed the epistemological simplicity; equity and equality to reduce long-term risk; the moments of the processual logic of an SI in the reference framework: data, information, knowledge, communication for action (DIKCA); cognitive justice; the processes of co-building knowledge essentially constituted by the word and conversations that trigger processes. We affirm that environmental health is a key tool of social practice. It corresponds to all this vast set of practices and knowledge that a society sets in place to know its health and environment, in order to transform it. Therefore, the proposal is to cease understanding CLRM and SI as rational products, and to come to understand them as a human product and, therefore, made by humans who construct language a central feature of their existence. We believe that change is necessary, that new, or not so new problems cannot be solved with outdated ideas. However, acquiring and developing renewed ideas or concepts can create the false illusion that everything is easy, but it is not. The challenge is daunting, as much as the need is inescapable.
    VL  - 7
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Line of Research in Risk, Habitat and Health, Institute of Geohistorical Research, National Council of Research and Techniques-National University of the Northeast, Resistencia, Argentina

  • Provincial Institute of Agricultural Education No. 217, Ministry of Education, Government of the Province of Córdoba, Villa del Totoral, Córdoba, Argentina

  • Secretary of Health, Municipality of Villa del Totoral, Córdoba, Argentina

  • Higher Teacher Training College, Ministry of Education, Government of the Province of Córdoba, Villa del Totoral, Córdoba, Argentina

  • Higher Teacher Training College, Ministry of Education, Government of the Province of Córdoba, Villa del Totoral, Córdoba, Argentina

  • Provincial Institute of Technical and Secondary Education No. 74, Ministry of Education, Government of the Province of Córdoba Villa del Totoral, Córdoba, Argentina

  • Provincial Institute of Technical and Secondary Education No. 74, Ministry of Education, Government of the Province of Córdoba Villa del Totoral, Córdoba, Argentina

  • Provincial Institute of Agricultural Education No. 217, Ministry of Education, Government of the Province of Córdoba, Villa del Totoral, Córdoba, Argentina

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